Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Blog #6

the key point that I found in the Jenkins reading were focused around the impact and importance of convergence. The term convergence is used in this text to describe the flow of experiences across media platforms, and how users seek various entertainment sources through many individualized means. We then individually create our own relationship with the meta data and data (information) by collecting " bits and fragments of information extracted from the media" (3). I understood this to mean that users, by shaping their own habits and pleasures associated with the web, are creating how the web will function and operate in the future. In this way they are creating organizational systems (tagging).
The Jenkins reading had a very strong link to our previous Weinberger readings, especially based upon the idea of individual users shaping the way the web works. Both authors attribute the organization and direction of the web to be controlled mainly by the input from each user. Although I found the Jenkins reading to look more closely at the origins of media while Weinberger focused on the present.

1 comment:

  1. Short and sweet. You do a great job here keying in on Jenkins main points, and you use evidence from the text to support your claims. The link to Weinberger is also well done. I would've been curious to see you flesh out your ideas a bit more, but overall this is really well done. Thanks.
