In Everything is Miscellaneous, the author, Weinberger utilizes the thoughts and ideas from German philosopher Heidegger to help prove certain points. Heidegger says, "the meaning of a particular thing is enabled by the web of implicit meanings we call the world"(170). I interoperate this to mean that the world we live in, creates lenses and frames of reference, in which we view things through. Our perceptions of all objects are defined by the meanings and other objects that surround them. His example of a hammer really made this point clear to me. What is a hammer? what is it meant to do? One must know that a hammer is used to drive nails into wood. One must also have a knowledge that we build houses primarily of wood products. In this case wood as a building material, and nails hold the wood together, creating the reality and meaning for hammers.
Heidegger's idea is related to the third order because one object can have multiple meanings linked to it. referring back to the hammer example. A hammer is an object that has several uses, and can be connected to several different groups. It could be grouped into the category of tools, hand held tools, instrument, small, large, nail puller, nail driver, weapon ect. . .
the images i compiled to show my favorite song "walking through the spider webs" by NoDoubt, represent aspects of my life that i associate with listening to this song. Nodoubt is a band that has been a part of my life for a long time. and the songs always make me feel happy. I also associate these songs with summertime, and creativity. I often listen to this band when I am working on art projects.
Interesting photo, so you relate the No Doubt to summer times and swimming. I wonder if there is any possible way to actually formulate this concept into a program that organizes your songs by creating a collage of images.
ReplyDeleteI'm not sure most people would have linked hammer to weapon, but I actually appreciate the thoroughness of the description. It's true, implicit meanings help link a physical item to multiple tasks which would in turn link to multiple reasons for each task... growing a very large web. I really like the image you created, especially since it wasn't anything like what I had interpreted the instructions as. Your explanation in class was insightful since I don't think that I would have noticed all the different details/ images composited into this photo.
ReplyDeleteI don't think a specific object itself is necessary miscellaneous but by us tagging and the word usage makes it miscellaneous. An apple is an apple in a pile of apples, and the moment we start taggin it; red, tree, fruit, seed, round....and these words to me make that apple miscellaneous. At least thats how I see it.
ReplyDeleteI would've liked to see you flesh out the third order a bit. You say, "Heidegger's idea is related to the third order because one object can have multiple meanings linked to it." Yes, for sure. So, what's the connection then between tagging and implicit/explicit information? How does our use of the internet create multiple meanings? Thanks for letting me use your example in class.