Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Blog #10


This remix illustrates Lessigs point about the "digital cupboard" (71). This remix only uses a few ingredients from that cupboard, but it creates a whole new dish with just a few of the simple ingredients. This remix is one of my favorites because I love both of the original songs, I can not necessarily describe why, but this remix, although simple makes both of the songs even better to me when put under the remix light. Another point that is related to my remix and Lessig is his quote, "the meaning comes not from the content of what they say; it comes from the reference"(74). The lyrics in both songs reference several similar things. Mick Boogie uses those similar subjects to reference a new meaning, mixing the feelings of Adele and the male artists lyrics, almost creating a dialogue between the two. Another point that this remix is linked to (very related to my last connection)is the "mixing symbolic things together"(75). when combined, both songs create a new dialogue and message


  1. Showed me your remix in class...umm I liked it a lot! Duh right. Anyways I agree with your statement here, "Mick Boogie uses those similar subjects to reference a new meaning, mixing the feelings of Adele and the male artists lyrics, almost creating a dialogue between the two." I think examples RW really well.

  2. Nice connections (and cool remix) but I would've like dot see you flesh out the connections a wee bit more (you say smart things, so say more of them!). Overall though, a good post.

  3. I wish I knew more about the source material for this remix. I may have to do some work and look it up. I like the song but I unable to make more connections to it the "This song sounds nice". I suppose that speaks to exactly what Lessig was talking about and what you mentioned. These remixes depend on the shoulders they stand onto establish meaning.

  4. I agree with what was said. I too don't know this remix but I believe all remixes rely on their original material to create value and meaning. Without knowing the source these remixes don't have much weight to them other than simply enjoying it.
